Sunday 21 August 2011

Phew.... I'm done!

So, after a couple of weeks of wondering what possessed me to take on two subjects ....I'm done! Well, my first assignment for each subject are done anyway. Now to catch up on the modules.

I read a few interesting things in Topic 3 and for my own learning and retention, I'll write them here:

Project Based Learning (PBL) - Students solve carefully planned and assessed real world problems that have multiple solutions. It is organised around open-ended questions and requires inquiry, critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration allowing students to learn to work independently, resulting in a final product or performance.

Quality Teaching - 3 dimensions
* Intellectual quality - producing deep understanding of important concepts, skills and ideas. Students engage in high order thinking skills and communicate about their learning.
* Quality learning environment - a classroom where teachers and students work productively and are clearly focused on learning.
* Significance of students work - help make learning important and meaningful.

Dimensions of Learning - offers a way for students to think about the process of learning.
* Attitudes and Perceptions - establish positive attitudes to learning.
* Acquire and Integrate knowledge - relate knowledge to what they already know.
* Extend and Refine knowledge - compare, classify, analyze.
* Use knowledge meaningfully - problem solving, investigation, decision making, reasoning and analysis.
* Productive habits of mind - critical, creative and self-regulated thinking.

16 habits of mind
Supposed to be related to learning but I see these as relating to life in general.
*Persisting *Managing Impulsivity *Listening to others with Empathy *Think flexibly *Think about your thinking *Striving for accuracy & precision *Question & pose problems *Apply past knowledge to new situations *Think & communicate with clarity *Gather data through all your senses *Create, imagine, innovate *Respond with awe and wonder *Find humour *Take responsible risks *Think interdependently *Learn continuously

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