Tuesday 12 March 2013

Research topic dramas

I am a big fan of Bev's policy, "Don't stew" but have found myself doing just that. Honing in on a research topic has been tricky. According to Cresswell (2012), to begin your research you need to identify an educational issue that needs to be resolved. Well, I have a few doozies to choose from. My main concern is that the Teacher Librarian will become a thing of the past, replaced by library technicians or teachers aides. Secondly I am concerned about the NSW government's idea, proposing that the Principal should be in charge of allocating funds at their school. But how to turn these issues into research questions has got me "stewing". With less than a week until this part is due to be handed in, I'm going to have to go with option 3..... to be continued...

Monday 4 March 2013

The semester begins.....

After losing my study mojo last year, I am back and ready to go!
I must admit that this subject scares me - Introduction to Educational Research. After reading the subject outline, it seems extremely daunting. On the plus side though, the lecturer, Bev Moriarty seems fabulous! I am a big fan of her positive outlook and go-get 'em attitude. Quite refreshing really. This is something that I need to remember myself, when entering a classroom, that positive energy goes a long way towards a great day of learning.
 I am off to tackle Assessment 1 (Part A) due in 2 weeks.... yikes! Wish me luck!