Monday 21 July 2014

TL 505 - Hider text

I am feverishly working to finish my MedTL this year and have lots of juggling to do to say the least! Reading the Hider text is making me wonder if I am actually going to pass this subject (I am only in Module 1!) as I have had to read, re-read and then re-read my re-reading to make sense of it all. 

I will try to outline some of my understanding:
* Metadata (aka indexing, cataloguing or bibliographic data) has 4 aspects:
Elements - which describe attributes (author's name, title, subject etc.)
Values - words or numbers/content
Format - description needed to be compatible with the system you are working with
Transmission - the way it is linked to the metadata item
* In different information contexts, different elements, values and formats can come into play depending on environmental factors, characteristics of the users, technology and information resources.
* Haynes(2004) describes metadata as having 5 purposes - resource description, information retrieval, resource management, authenticity and ownership and interoperability

* Organising information resources to improve access to them involves; categorising, labelling and indexing

*  FRBR (Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records) 4 User Tasks: 
Find - use attributes to FIND a record of this book
Identify - IDENTIFY the  predetermined resource
Select - used when a user doesn't know the particular resource they are looking for
Obtain - Use the location to find and borrow/buy the resource